Loading Times: Improved the overall loading times for information displayed on the action board.
Source Distribution in Pie-Chart: The pie chart, which shows the distribution of statements by sentiment and feedback type, now also supports segmentation based on the feedback source.
Shorter Summaries: Summaries in the recommendation list view are now more concise, enhancing UI clarity.
Affected Users Indication: Added an indication of the number of users affected by tags and sources. By default, only the top five tags are displayed, with an option to show all.
Structured Problem Summary: Enhanced the structure of the problem summary for better readability.
Affected Users Indication: Similar to the list view, added an affected users indicator for tags and sources.
Removed Features: Temporarily removed the following:
The tab for generating tasks for individual teams.
Context questions for task generation.
Problem Node Graph in the Problems Details tab.
New Chart: Added "Affected Users per Source" chart with three segregation options:
Absolute: Number of affected users per problem per source.
Relative: Percentage distribution of affected users per problem for each source within a recommendation.
Relative within Source: Percentage distribution of affected users per problem for all feedback from a given source.
Action Items Table: Added a table in the Problems Details tab to generate action items, sorted by importance. If the Jira plugin is set up, action items are created as subtasks.
Improved Setup: Automatically loads issue types and subtask types when setting up the Jira plugin. Ensures synchronization of problems and action items as subtasks if allowed.
Upgrade Instructions: Existing plugins can be updated via the settings.